Michelangelo Antonioni love

Michelangelo Antonioni


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  • At Karen's behest, we first made our way to Zabriskie Point, a must-see for the eponymous 1970 Michelangelo Antonioni film that failed to define a generation, but was suitably psychedelic for the times.

    Richard Bangs: Death Valley Daze, Part I Richard Bangs 2011

  • One of the landmarks of 1960s European art cinema, "Red Desert" was the first color film made by Michelangelo Antonioni .

    Start September With Superior Cinema Steve Dollar 2011

  • LE BEAU SERGE $39.95 BluRay; Criterion -- I'm not a big fan of Michelangelo Antonioni or Claude Chabrol, but it's always good to have Criterion release their films and remind me of the importance of their work in world cinema.

    Michael Giltz: DVDs: Harry Potter Finale Arrives, Now Where's Pottermore? Michael Giltz 2011

  • At Karen's behest, we first made our way to Zabriskie Point, a must-see for the eponymous 1970 Michelangelo Antonioni film that failed to define a generation, but was suitably psychedelic for the times.

    Richard Bangs: Death Valley Daze, Part I Richard Bangs 2011

  • LE BEAU SERGE $39.95 BluRay; Criterion -- I'm not a big fan of Michelangelo Antonioni or Claude Chabrol, but it's always good to have Criterion release their films and remind me of the importance of their work in world cinema.

    Michael Giltz: DVDs: Harry Potter Finale Arrives, Now Where's Pottermore? Michael Giltz 2011

  • He gained international attention in 2009, when his fourth film, "About Elly," which critics compared to Michelangelo Antonioni's 1960 epic "L'avventura," earned him the best director award at the Berlin Film Festival.

    An Acclaimed Movie, a Marketing Challenge Rachel Dodes 2012

  • His last documentary was about Autism in the States and Europe and his new project about legendary director Michelangelo Antonioni may take him to China, Iceland and Italy.

    Cynthia Ellis: Mama Gogo Goes for the Oscar Cynthia Ellis 2011

  • Life as seen through the lens of Michelangelo Antonioni takes place in a spooked-out arena – compressed, closed off, dislocated, alienating.

    Modernist America by Richard Pells – review 2011

  • His last documentary was about Autism in the States and Europe and his new project about legendary director Michelangelo Antonioni may take him to China, Iceland and Italy.

    Cynthia Ellis: Mama Gogo Goes for the Oscar Cynthia Ellis 2011

  • Now it's back at the Barbican with Antonioni Project, a tribute to the Italian modernist film director Michelangelo Antonioni and his groundbreaking 1960s trilogy of movies: L'Avventura, La Notte and L'Eclisse.

    This week's new theatre 2011


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